FAQs: Coronavirus policies

There is a large public awareness around the Coronavirus cases in New York State. We have communicated to our staff the most preventative procedures that we are re-enforcing before, during, between, and after our classes listed below:

  1. All toys will be wiped with disinfecting wipes (following product instructions: wipe object surface for debris, wipe clean with a disinfecting wipe, ensure disinfectant is on the toy surface, allow object to air dry). We have stocked up on wipes and encourage staff and caretakers to use as many needed.
  2. All surfaces will be wiped with multi-surface cleaners to remove germs and then wiped down with disinfecting wipes to kill germs/bacteria/viruses.
  3. All puppets will be thoroughly cleaned with disinfecting wipes.
  4. All objects passed out in class will be wiped with disinfecting wipes after class use by handing them off to an available staff member showing families that these practices are being followed.
  5. Handles and door knobs will be cleaned with disinfecting wipes before and after classes.
  6. Our staff is instructed to wash hands regularly throughout the day with warm water and soap for 20-30 seconds.

These steps are just a re-enforcement to our everyday standards around sickness: to encourage families not to bring a sick child to class, to encourage sick staff members or adults in class to stay home, and keep a watch for contagious symptoms to speak with adults if necessary (i.e. color discharge from nose/eyes, feverish skin/eyes, contagious coughing/sneezing).

There is a lot of information circulating about Coronavirus on social media and even in some news reporting that is not based on facts. Here are resources we have found citing Coronavirus best practices:

All content copyright 2020 Free To Be Under Three, Ltd.